Public Policy Updates

MASC reports on Massachusetts public schools, education news, school committee issues and updates from the Department of Education.

This information has been compiled by MASC Field Director Tracy Novick.

Public Policy Updates: Joint Committee on Ways and Means FY22

The Joint Committee on Ways and Means held their FY22 hearing on education and local aid on Tuesday, March 16 starting at 1 pm. Jointly chairing the Committee were Senator Jason Lewis and Representative Paul Donato. While today's testimony was by invitation only, written public testimony is welcome at SenateCommittee.Ways&


March meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education was called back into session at 2 pm on Friday, March 5 for a meeting to discuss Commissioner Riley's request for authority to decide when hybrid and remote options for education would no longer count towards a district's time on learning. The agenda, including the proposed regulation change, can be found here

While the livestream can be found here, the Department suffered from technical difficulties such that a portion of public comment at the beginning of the meeting was not broadcast. Apologies for names that were missed. 


Public Policy Updates: February 2021 Board of Ed

The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education had a two part meeting in February; there was a special meeting Monday evening, February 22, specifically on vocational education, followed by a regular meeting Tuesday morning, February 23