Day on the Hill is MASC's annual legislative advocacy day. Typically, this event brings hundreds of school committee members, superintendents and student leaders to the State House in Boston to meet with the executive and legislative leadership as well as local senators and representatives. This event is an increasingly critical moment for MASC members to advance the message of the value of public education and ensure that legislators and other key decision/policy makers understand the issues and challenges that you confront and that they can support.
Although MASC had been hoping to invite members back to the State House for our annual Day on the Hill, the persistence of the Covid variant and other logistical challenges around State House scheduling necessitates postponing that in-person return until 2023.
Instead, as we did last year, this important opportunity to advance the message of the role of public education in preparing the next generation of engaged, college and career-ready citizens, will be offered in a Zoom format, at no charge. The MASC Board of Directors invites all school committee members and other school leaders to join legislators and other key education and fiscal policymakers in a vital conversation about lessons learned in the Covid crisis, and strategies for moving forward, creatively, and sustainably, to address new challenges.
What have we lost? What have we learned? What can we build upon?
Thursday, April 14, 2022
9:30am - 12:00pm
The focus of this year’s event: What we have learned? What must we fix? What can we build on? will be discussed in conjunction with MASC’s recently released legislative priorities. Moderated by MASC President Andrea Wadsworth (who recently testified before the Joint Ways and Means Committee), the discussion will include highlights of the legislative agenda for 2022; key initiatives around child abuse and student health and safety; and reports on efforts around regional school transportation funding and assistance for small and rural districts.
As the largest body of elected public officials, school committee members are in a unique position to collaborate with their legislators and help them understand the challenges in your districtâ€â€what’s working well, what isn’tâ€â€and offer guidance and suggestions that they can support in this current budget season.
There is no charge to attend but we ask that you register in advanceso we can send you the sign-on link and background materials. The Zoom link will be available on the confirmation page after registering, and sent to the email address you use when you register.