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Onsite Workshops

MASC Field Directors are available to provide facilitation or training for your School Committee retreat or workshop in the following areas:

Roles and Responsibilities - Understanding your leadership. governance, and management roles.

Open Meeting Law - Applying the Open Meeting Law to school district governance.

Ethics / Conflict of Interest Law - Understanding the impact of state ethics laws on School Districts.

Collective Bargaining - MASC has a variety of workshops to address the role of the School Committee in the collective bargaining process.

School Finance - Learn the school budget process, the foundation budget, and the Chapter 70 distribution formula.

Special Education - Understanding the Special Education environment and the role of the School Committee.

Reference Materials You Need - Knowing the documents, materials, and information that should be available to School Committee members.

School Councils - Understanding the role of the School Council, this workshop is designed for assisting school councils.

Effective Meetings - Tips for more efficient and effective School Committee meetings.

Dealing with Difficult People - This full day workshop assists School Committee members with ways to deal with the board as a team and understanding different personal styles.

Teamwork - Understanding the basics of teamwork, this workshop is based primarily on the work of author Pat Lencioni's book "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team".

Parliamentary Procedure - learning Roberts' Rules of Order.

Self Evaluation - Evaluating the Committee's governance - how does the Committee see itself?

Superintendent Evaluation - Understanding the process of evaluating the Superintendent.

Basics of Policy - Understanding the policy role of the School Committee.