The members of the Resolutions Committee met on June 27, 2019 to consider resolutions proposed by member districts and the MASC Board of Directors for consideration at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association at the MASC/MASS 2019 Joint Conference. Members present were: Margaret Hughes, Narragansett Regional; Denise Hurst, Springfield/ MASC Secretary-Treasurer; Laura Fallon, Northampton; Irene Feliciano-Sims, Holyoke: Mildred Lefebvre, Holyoke/MASC Minority Caucus Chair; Barbara Davis, Holbrook; Kim Hunt, Plymouth; Wendy Rua, Agawam; Bill Fonseca, East Longmeadow/MASC Division V Chair; Denise Schultz, Franklin; Jake Oliveira, Ludlow/ MASC President-Emeritus; Beverly Hugo, Framingham / MASC Past President; Paul Schlichtman, Arlington/ MASC Past President; Devin Sheehan, Holyoke/MASC President; Deborah Davis, Northeast Metro Voc. Tech./ MASC President-Elect and Chair of the Resolutions Committee
The following resolutions were moved forward by the Resolutions Committee and approved by the Board of Directors:
Download the full text of the resolutions as a PDF here or as a Word document here.