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Jason Fraser

Vice President

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Jason Fraser is a proud product of public education and he now works as an advocate for the students of our public schools and for local control of our school districts in order to maintain the gains and further improve public education in the Commonwealth.

Mr. Fraser is serving his ninth year as Vice Chair of the Plympton School Committee and is in his eighth year as a member of the Silver Lake Regional School Committee including two terms as Chair. Serving as the Legislative Agent for both Committees, Mr. Fraser has become a frequent champion for public education on Beacon Hill and has become a trusted sounding board for State Representatives and Senators when crafting education policy. His expertise on the Chapter 70 funding formula, Foundation Budget determinations and Local Contribution calculations has made him an invaluable resource for local municipalities. Mr. Fraser has also served on the Board of Directors for the Pilgrim Area Collaborative and was the Chair of the Board for two years. Mr. Fraser’s experience in educational leadership is rounded out by nine years of work on School Improvement Councils in the town of Norwell.

Mr. Fraser is a member of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) Board of Directors, currently serving as Secretary-Treasurer. Prior to joining the Executive Committee, he was the MASC Division III (southeastern) Chair and the Chair of the MASC Regional Schools Committee.  Mr. Fraser continues to serve as Vice Chair of the Legislative Committee and is an active member of the Resolution Committee and Regional Schools Committee.

Additionally Mr. Fraser has taught graduate courses for the Education Leadership Program at the University of Massachusetts-Boston, and a variety of graduate courses for both Keene State College and Salem State University. He has also worked as an educational consultant and conference presenter both nationally and internationally.

Mr. Fraser is a graduate of Keene State College where he earned Bachelor degrees in Elementary Education, Counseling Psychology, and an Associate’s degree in the Treatment and Prevention of Chemical Dependency. He holds a Master’s degree in Elementary Education and Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Educational Leadership, both from Bridgewater State University.  Mr. Fraser is licensed with DESE as a teacher, principal and superintendent.

In 2009, Mr. Fraser was a nominee for the Massachusetts Teacher of the Year and he has been recognized for his dedication to public education on many occasions.
î—‹Board of Directors